My reflections on the ict journey

In this today,i have learnt so many new things in ict,about coding,where you explore the uses of html and its tags,honestly,its quite an experience,today i have been studying and focusing on ict,it gives the challenge if u can do it yourself or be doomed.

its pretty much a fun experience,when u learn more,the more u get used to the subject,just like the other subjects like english,where u get used to any scientific and fancy words,and the key to grammar in a accurate representation,it is a experience that u only experience it once in your life.

U can gain a lot of knowledge in devices,just like coding,my thoughts on this second    quarter is hell,but heaven at the same time,just like life,if u keep going,theres always light going to your way.



  1. thank you for sharing your journey and knowledge about html :)

  2. Hi, I'm glad that you learned a lot during the 2nd quarter and i know that sometimes there are challenges that come our way. And we all know that it's always part on our journey. Keep it up^^.

  3. You did great, you learned a lot on the 3rd quarter keep going<3.


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