My Christmas vacation

On my Christmas Holiday,i spent a lot of time exploring the christmas decorations,taking photos on it and finding new things to explore,having family is a great way to celebrate christmas,even though it isnt necessary,it is a holiday that u can only celebrate it once a year,especially with friends and family,you can always have it your way on celebrating christmas.

with a mother to celebrate christmas with me,it is sometimes an experience that u never regret,u can always have friends and family with you all the time,after my christmas break,i learned that having family and cheerishing it is the best feeling for our hearts,even without them,you always have yourself to know that
you arent alone. 

At this time,my vacation was great,so many new things i have learned in my christmas vacation,and i didnt think about having school in my mind,sadly it was a bit short lived since the christmas break was short,but hopefully i can experience this again.


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