
Love is blind,Love is affection

 On about valentines day,the day is celebrated in the 14th of February,valentines day was created when in the same day,two churches where named valentines,Valentines day is to give love to someone else u care or even your family,your friends and your cousins,theres many ways to express love,it is a reminder that theres one person out there that cares for you. We celebrate Valentines day to express ourselfs to our people that we loved,u can express love by giving them a gift,like flowers,chocolates,shoes,pants,gifts and many more,you can also exchange gifts for each other to express your both love,its about appreciating and showing our gratitude for our partners,friends,cousins and our family. But love isnt as easy as it should be.especially when you at your deepest point of life,expressing your self love is important to us,but if u can express love to others,its about showing our actions,sacrifices,and even your life just for someone else,love is within our hearts,on how I express ...

New years,new me?

  Dear Self, I know this was a bad year for us,but remember all the positive thoughts we have come through,i know that its just a little bit of positive memory,but promise to yourself that u will get better in this new year,remove all the negative thoughts in you,always know that you arent alone with this bad memory,I know that u are expecting another bad year for you,but promise to yourself that u try to change who you are,focus on what u believe,make your goals in this new year come closer to you,until u succeed,for now,i promise to my self to change who am I and to get better in life,having a family is better than being alone.

My Christmas vacation

On my Christmas Holiday,i spent a lot of time exploring the christmas decorations,taking photos on it and finding new things to explore,having family is a great way to celebrate christmas,even though it isnt necessary,it is a holiday that u can only celebrate it once a year,especially with friends and family,you can always have it your way on celebrating christmas. with a mother to celebrate christmas with me,it is sometimes an experience that u never regret,u can always have friends and family with you all the time,after my christmas break,i learned that having family and cheerishing it is the best feeling for our hearts,even without them,you always have yourself to know that you arent alone.  At this time,my vacation was great,so many new things i have learned in my christmas vacation,and i didnt think about having school in my mind,sadly it was a bit short lived since the christmas break was short,but hopefully i can experience this again.

the end of the violence against women and children and the empowerment,laws,and awareness of women

Introduction Violence Against Women (VAW) is a serious issue that affects women globally. In the Philippines, nearly 1 in 5 women have experienced physical, emotional, or sexual violence, according to the Philippine Statistics Authority. In observance of the 18-day Campaign to End Violence Against Women, it is important to reflect on the laws that protect women’s rights and help combat violence. The Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children (VAWC) Act of 2004 and Republic Act No. 9262 are the main laws used in protecting women, but other laws like RA 8353 and RA 7877 also have roles in protecting women from various abuse forms. This blog covers these laws and their relevance in creating a safe just society for women. Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children (VAWC) Act of 2004 VAWC Act, or Republic Act No. 9262, is the law on violence within intimate relationships and families. It defined several ways of abuse such as physical, psychological, sexual, and economic violence. Th...

My reflections on the ict journey

In this today,i have learnt so many new things in ict,about coding,where you explore the uses of html and its tags,honestly,its quite an experience,today i have been studying and focusing on ict,it gives the challenge if u can do it yourself or be doomed. its pretty much a fun experience,when u learn more,the more u get used to the subject,just like the other subjects like english,where u get used to any scientific and fancy words,and the key to grammar in a accurate representation,it is a experience that u only experience it once in your life. U can gain a lot of knowledge in devices,just like coding,my thoughts on this second    quarter  is hell,but heaven at the same time,just like life,if u keep going,theres always light going to your way. References:

Elipidio Quirino's early life,career and his achievements.

The Sixth President of the Republic of the Philippines, Elpidio Quirino, is recalled for his leadership during the country's rebuilding phase after World War II. Born on November 16, 1890, in Vigan, Ilocos Sur, Elpidio Quirino came from a family of educators and public servants. His childhood was a life of discipline and a sense of respect for education that he would carry on to define his public service career. Quirino graduated from the University of the Philippines College of Law, where he took his law degree in 1915, passing the bar exams with distinction. Quirino's life before becoming president was built on public service. He first worked as a clerk in the Bureau of Justice, which gave him several opportunities to work his way through various government positions. He became a congressman in 1919 and was appointed secretary of finance under President Manuel L. Quezon. During his term as Secretary of Finance, Quirino was said to have drafted critical fiscal policies that st...

About and the information of indigenous people month

Every year, the month of October is dedicated to the observance of National Indigenous Peoples (IP) Month in the Philippines. This month-long celebration commemorates the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA) on its 27th year in 2024, with the theme "Mga Katutubo at Katutubong Dunong: Pahalagahan, Pangalagaan at Parangalana" or Valuing, Nurturing, and Honoring Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous Knowledge. This theme underlines how to recognize and respect cultural heritage, wisdom, and traditions of the Indigenous Peoples of the country. With this celebration, the Philippine government, various stakeholders, and local communities come together to promote the rights, welfare, and identity of the Indigenous communities. The National Indigenous Peoples Month is important in raising awareness about the unique culture, language, and traditions of IP groups, which have long been marginalized and overlooked in the larger society. Through programs, discussions, and activities, the obse...